Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Television Christmas Package Evaluation

After our first attempt at creating a package and link on Christmas shopping failed due to lack of time, our camera running out of battery and no script we decided it would be best to try again.

This time we allowed ourselves enough time to get a script together and actually plan what we were going to do. As well as this we had time to edit our package and link until we were happy with it. My group and I decided we wanted to include more than we had managed to last time to make our package and link appear more realistic.

The whole group helped to write the script making sure we used short and simple sentences that would grab the audience’s attention. My main role was actually being in front of the camera and carrying out the interviews on screen. I spoke about Christmas offers in Boots and then interviewed different people who didn’t mind being on camera. This was quite difficult as hardly anybody wanted to be on camera and some people just ignored me when I asked if they would mind being interviewed. I also found it difficult when I didn’t know what I was meant to be saying so I learnt that if I read the script just before I am meant to say it and keep repeating it in my head it normally worked out well.

I also did a voice over which was placed over different clips of Farnham shoppers and decorations. I feel this worked well, however because there was a handover from Anna who was creating the link on camera, with the microphone quite far away from her. To me doing the voice over off camera, with the microphone right next to my mouth, the change in volume was quite dramatic. Next time I will not hold the microphone that close to my mouth.

As well as this I edited the package and link so that my voice over went with the images being shown on screen and any bits we messed up could be removed. I did the editing simply because I know how to use Premiere Pro and I was able to quickly cut and edit the bits we did or didn’t want. Nevertheless we did have a few technical difficulties as the computer kept breaking on us but after a few tries I eventually edited it and we all put it on our blogs.

Seeing as we had a second try most of things I would have done better we did in our new one although there are still a few things that could have been improved. For example, the filming of the Christmas decorations and Christmas shoppers wasn’t very good as the camera was not steady. I think we would also improve the volume problem we had in the handover from Anna to me. Another major thing that I would improve was the ending when I lift up my script and read from it as you can see it on screen and it doesn’t look very professional. Next time I will learn my script so I do not forget my line.

I noticed when writing the script for television we would write a bit then when I tried to read it back I would get all my words muddled or run out of breath. This was because when writing it we was writing how we would for print, detailed long sentences, with little punctuation. However because I kept reading it back we knew what bits didn’t work so we learnt to stick to short, simple sentences with lots of punctuation to make sure I had time to breathe and to slow down my speaking.

On a whole I feel that our second try at creating a package and link was quite successful and I was very proud of what we had managed to put together.

Radio- Vox Pop Evaluation

We created a Vox Pop in which we asked different people a question on Remembrance Day. As there were 5 people in my group each of us asked a different member of the public the same question and we recorded what each of them said.

The question we asked was ‘As you know it is Remembrance Day soon, do you think we should still be commemorating the deaths from the past wars or should we now be focusing on the deaths from the current war?’ Part of my role was to ask a member of the public if they would mind answering the question for us and if they didn’t, I then asked the above question and recorded their response.

This worked well however I feel that because our question was quite long some people we asked had to get us to repeat the question. If we had used a simpler straightforward question I think the people we asked would have understood it more easily. I also think that our question was quite limiting as some people only gave a yes or no answer and we had to ask them to elaborate on why they thought that.

Another part of my role was to edit the recordings we collected. For example, we didn’t need our question in the final Vox Pop we just needed he answers, therefore I cut out the bits we didn’t need so that all we has was five different peoples answers. Once we put the recording on to the computer I noticed that there was a slight sound issue with one of them, this was because the man we asked spoke very quietly and the microphone was obviously not held close enough to his mouth. I learnt that we should always check to make sure that you can hear what the person is saying before recording the whole thing even if it means asking them to speak a bit louder.

I feel that if we could do this again I would try to ask more people with a larger age range, as most of the people we managed to ask who didn’t mind being recorded were over 40. This would give more of a fair reflection of what the residents of Farnham felt and perhaps give a more interesting response as nearly everyone had the same view. I would also make the question simpler and more open so the people being questioned would understand what we were asking and be able to elaborate more on what they felt.

I feel that as a group we worked well and managed to get the task done. I do think we were successful as we completed what we were supposed to, however if we had more time and asked more people a simpler question, I do feel that our Vox Pop would have been better with a more interesting range of answers from the members of the public.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


So with 26 days till Christmas I often wonder if I am turning into scrooge?! For the past 2 years I have worked for 5 hours on Christmas day for pocket change simply because I had to if I wanted to keep my job! Last Christmas I vowed to never, ever work another Christmas day however after realising I am completely poor guess what...I'm working it again! :(
I no longer look forward to Christmas as I know I'm going to see families having Christmas dinner, relaxing and enjoying their day and I'm slaving away serving them their food to make sure they have a happy experience...when really I couldn't care less as I don't get to be with my family for most of the day!
This is why I feel like I am turning into scrooge because whilst everyone else is looking forward to the day I really am not all I want is to be able to wake up on Christmas morning and spend the day with my family not my work colleagues!

Farnham nightlife the SU

So after the past two friday and saturday nights have been completely dead I can't wait to go back to london for a night out! I sat in and watched films for the past two weeks, although I have been ill and on antibiotics so I haven't been that bothered about going out however now I am back to my normal self I have realised that I go out less at uni than I ever did at home?! Surely that's not right...every one of my friends that are at different uni's are out near enough every night ESPECIALLY friday and saturday! Therefore I have decided that our student union definitely needs to change! Or I shall just come home every weekend to london where there is always something happening.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Christmas Package

Reality TV are you really in control?

Everyone complains about how the X-Factor is a fix and it is all a big set up...but then they still vote?! I just don't understand what people are thinking.
I personally wouldn't say the X-Factor is a fix however people do get mislead by it and they are made to feel in control. For example the public votes for who they want to leave...therefore this make them think that they are in control of who wins the X-Factor and who has to go home.
What they don't realise that all along the show are the ones who chose which acts get put on telly in the first place, then the judges pick who gets to go through to the final 12 so all along the public hardly have any say.
The shows makes the audience think that they are the ones who are choosing the winner when all along it was the producers and people working behind the scenes that chose the people in the first place. They know what they are doing they know who to choose to improve the shows ratings and get people voting.

It's the same for shows like Big Brother the audience think they get to pick who they want to see on TV when all along the people that the audience can choose to vote for have already been carefully picked by the shows producers so who is really in control.
Although you may think you are in control of who you want to see on your television don't be fooled!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

FINALLY...got my loan!

After two and half months of having no money student finance have FINALLY given me my loan however I don't get much of it because most of it just paid off my overdraft! I am very disappointed that the people working for student finance have been given a bonus for all their 'hard work'...how ridiculous the whole company is an absolute mess and they don't even deserve to be paid for the hours they were supposed to have worked. How about they take the money they are giving as bonuses and give to students in grants to pay off our student loans or better yet to help pay for the extreme phone bills I know I have after being put on hold for half an hour everytime I rang them!


As you probably know JLS have been in the news lately after over 60 people were injured when they went to watch them perform in Birmingham. Due to so many people pushing forward the barriers fell down and everyone rushed towards the stage...this shows how many young girls love them. I personally am a huge fan of JLS and really wanted to see them perform in concert but the tickets have all sold out how ever I have met them :). This was in a West End club but it's weird because you have to act like they are just like you 'normal' because you can't scream and run at them in a West End club or you will be thrown out. I want to meet them again though because they are fit...ASTON! :) :)

I have just bought their first autobiography and I am hoping I can find tickets to their concert as long as I am in the golden circle with a backstage pass!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Since the age of 3 I have been dancing. From ballet to street jazz I loved and done it all. I had always secretly wished my mum would have sent to me Sylvia Young so I could go to a school where nearly all of your lessons are dancing! I have competed in many dance competitions and performed in many shows...the thrill of being on stage is amazing. I had always wanted to be a professional ballet dancer but as time went on and I got older my dream seemed to be getting taken further and further away from me. I danced through my GCSE's and A-Levels and now I am at university and I have not found dance classes anywhere!
My idol is Ekaterina Maximova she is an incredible ballet dancer and I have aspired to be just like her all my life!

So if after 3 years here my career as a television presenter or journalist does not work out I would like to become a dance teacher!

Thomas Sabo

I was recently staying with a friend and some of her friends had these bracelets on that were really nice. They are called Thomas Sabo and they are sold in many jewellery shops such as Swag and they have their own shops in places such as Bluewater.
The bracelet I bought was a string like bracelet which comes with a silver disc on it where you can put 3 charms.
They sell all sorts of things such as watches, bracelets, necklaces and phone charms. You can put at least 3 charms on most bracelets and put even more on some of the others. There are loads of different charms ranging from animals to hearts to disney characters.

I would advise people to buy these as I imagine they will be something everyone will be wanting soon. Thomas Sabo jewellery would be the ideal gift for christmas. Say goodbye to Links of London and Tiffany because Thomas Sabo is gonna be big!!


VoxPop by Holly Moore

Our successful TV link and package!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Vision Works

Vision works is a company which mainly specialises in making short films for companies.
They're services involve creating web videos that can
show your products and services,
explain the benefits and how they work,
introduce your key people and
reveal what existing customers, staff and suppliers have to say about you and your services.
They can also help with integration and marketing and their success has been shown on the site through client films and testimonials.

All of their services are designed to achieve the very best out of your communications and marketing. Whatever your needs - whether it's developing a marketing campaign or producing a short web video - they have the hands-on experience to successfully deliver for you.

They have many clients such as Prudential, Unipath, initial hospital services, Mayer Brown, Rentokil Initial, Bedford i-lab and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. All of these clients speak highly of the company and are pleased with how they have worked with them.

I have a link to their website on my blog so go ahead and see for yourself...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

3 PAIRS...woops

Last week I went shopping and managed to buy 3 pairs of shoes! Every time I bring home a new pair of shoes my mum gives me the same look and tells me I don't need anymore but it's like an addiction. If I see a pair of shoes I like something takes over me and I just have to have them and being a size 5 this size shoe is often the one that is there for people to try on. Therefore I see the shoe and try it on and because it's my size it's like its fate and once it's on my foot there is no going back. I bought 3 pairs and even though I have barely any money as I still haven't recieved my student loan I still bought them...oh well...I love shoes!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There are no goodies and baddies!

For the past few nights me and my friends have been watching Band of Brothers. It is a television series that was shown in 2001 based on the book by the late stephen E Ambrose.

The series depicts the epic journey made by the paratrooper unit from their training camp in Georgia, right through to their D-Day triumph. The paratroopers are dropped behind enemy lines in 1944 and fight numerous battles across Europe until they eventually capture Hitler's mountain eyrie at Berchtesgarden.

Whilst watching this I was always asking who are the goodies and who are the baddies and that's when I realised that actually there are no goodies and baddies, everyone can choose a team that they want to win but when it comes down to it the men fighting are all innocent. These men are all in the same boat having to fight for their country whether it means they come home dead or alive. I had never thought of it like that before, these men do not want to kill each other it's just something they had to do.

In episode 3 we see a character called Blithe who is an American soldier shoot and kill a German soldier. This is a very emotional scene as Blithe is scared of being at war and after he realises he has killed someone he is very upset. This helped me to realise how hard it must of been to fight in a war not knowing if you will make it out alive and having to live with the fact you have killed many people.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

student finance...!!

So I have come to the conclusion that student finance direct is most possibly the most ridiculous excuse for a company ever. Hardly any one at my university has even been told they are actually getting a loan and for the lucky few who have received their loans they didn't get them on time.
I have been on the phone to student finance more than I can even remember and the only response they ever seem to give is 'i'm sorry there is nothing I can do about it' which is absolutely ridiculous because I know if they really wanted to they could do something about it.
At one point I received a letter telling me I was getting my loans then a few days later I received another one saying I wasn't. When I rung them AGAIN to ask what was going on they told me that they didn't send me one of the letters which they quite clearly did as I was holding it in my hand! I have never known anything to be quite so disorganised as student finance and it wouldn't surprise me if I didn't end up receiving any loans at all.

University Blues

After less than 3 weeks at University for the Creative Arts I decided I wanted to give up. I was persuaded to stay for the weekend to see how I felt and luckily I did because I changed my mind and decided to stay. A lot of people told me that I should stay for longer and then see how I felt but my mind was completely convinced that the best thing for me to do was leave. However after staying for the weekend I became friends with a great group of girls and I realise now I was being too hasty.

I would like to advise anyone who has just started university and feels like they want to give up to stick at it even if it just for another few weeks because like me you may change your mind.