Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Reality TV are you really in control?

Everyone complains about how the X-Factor is a fix and it is all a big set up...but then they still vote?! I just don't understand what people are thinking.
I personally wouldn't say the X-Factor is a fix however people do get mislead by it and they are made to feel in control. For example the public votes for who they want to leave...therefore this make them think that they are in control of who wins the X-Factor and who has to go home.
What they don't realise that all along the show are the ones who chose which acts get put on telly in the first place, then the judges pick who gets to go through to the final 12 so all along the public hardly have any say.
The shows makes the audience think that they are the ones who are choosing the winner when all along it was the producers and people working behind the scenes that chose the people in the first place. They know what they are doing they know who to choose to improve the shows ratings and get people voting.

It's the same for shows like Big Brother the audience think they get to pick who they want to see on TV when all along the people that the audience can choose to vote for have already been carefully picked by the shows producers so who is really in control.
Although you may think you are in control of who you want to see on your television don't be fooled!

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